For fun I decided to enter a photography competition sponsored by the university. The rules of the competition stated that the photograph should reveal the beauty of the campus, and should demonstrate the details of the built environment. Other adjectives to describe evaluation criteria were daring, realist, subjective, honest. I couldn’t think of a better competition to enter than one focusing on architecture, and photography.
Because the competition is open to the entire university, there will be many entrants. I received a university email about it, and certainly it was sent campus wide. While the probability is low that my entry will even be recognized, it is good to have a reason to photograph and gain more experience. I look forward to looking at my photographs over time and see improvement in skill level and technical ability. The outcome of the competition should be announced in one week, so I will update then. Until then, enjoy the photos!
Update November 4, 2010: The photo of the stair was short-listed, but did not place. It will be part of a roaming exhibit as well as part of a poster series to appear on buses. If I see it printed or in an exhibit I might snap a photo just to show it amongst the other submissions.