Thursday, January 01, 2009

The Medieval Cosmos and God

How was the medieval cosmos unified with God?

The medieval Christian set his eyes upon the cosmos, and consequently discovered not only the existence of God, but also his divine attributes. -- Wildiers

The cosmos revealed order and beauty, and these attributes revealed not only the principles of the cosmos, but also the character of God. These attributes were seen to exist within God, and disclose something of God.

An example of God in the medieval cosmos can be found in Dante:
All things whatso'er have order among themselves, and this indeed is form, which makes theWorld God's image bear. Herein do the lusher beings the impress read of that eternal Worth, which is the end whereto the aforesaid rule had been decreed.

Indeed, for Augustine the beauty and order of the universe was the principle proof of God's existence. Throughout the medieval period, nature was unfailing in it's reflection of God's supreme wisdom.

The character of God, and the character of the cosmos were inextricably fused during the middle ages. The pursuit of order, balance, and synthesis characterized the efforts of the medieval culture.

Order and balance were seen within the cosmos, and within God. The possibility of having beauty, order, God, or the cosmos in isolation was not an option for the medieval mind. Synthesis permeated the very being of the era.

In this manner did the medieval theologian place emphasis on the revelatory character of created things.